Hello Motherhood......and the unknown

I am writing this in the following days leading up to my baby's due date. Cup of tea at hand, some birthing affirmations playing in the background and currently in a state of calm that I am praying will carry me through the next few weeks! We have baby's room ready. It is surreal seeing the space in our home that used to be a spare room which will now become a room for someone else, tiny human to be exact. We have done some parenting courses together and read up all we could on what we could expect in this new season. We have prayed and had amazing support around us from friends and family. We have been blessed with prayers and gifts. But there is still that thought of "are we really ready?" I have been told a mixture of things throughout my pregnancy, from different people. Some say that you need to prep as much as you can before the baby arrives, others say its a learn as you go journey and one thing you will need to be expectant for is the unknown. Hmm. S...