
Showing posts from August, 2019


Struggle is the word that first comes to mind when I look back on how I worshipped during church services when I first started going to church. Just to give a quick backstory: I got saved short of my 18 th birthday and was still getting familiar with what “singing your worship and praise” was all about. I’ll admit, for a good while I would just read the lyrics in my head, listening to everyone else sing but wouldn’t participate. The reason why singing my worship was a struggle? I can’t pinpoint it to an exact reason other than fear. I was scared of how I would sound – as this was all so new to me. I was worried I wouldn’t sing good enough, that I would be noticed and looked at. Writing this out, and writing it where I am now in my life (where I worship throughout the day!) it’s weird looking back and seeing how fear had such a grip on my life in this area. The enemy would love to take our worship and praise. He would love us to not give God the glory, song and admira...


  Happy Friday sisters!   I felt in my heart to say to you today that you are loved. Yep, you are loved by a divine Father who cares for you immensely.   If you are a new believer, or unsure about God's love, then you might be feeling how I felt at the start. This loves sounds out of this world, this love doesn't sound like its for me, what kind of love is this?? His love hard for me was pretty hard to grasp. What was there to love? I disliked me most of the time! After really digging in deep in the word and receiving revelation of His love for us what when I began to understand: THE LOVE OF GOD IS NOT LIKE ANY EARTHLY LOVE YOU COULD EXPERIENCE. GOD'S LOVE IS NOT A LOVE THAT YOU COULD RESONATE WITH BECAUSE THERE IS NO LOVE LIKE IT.   This love is not like a love you experience on earth. God's love is "agape". This is a love that died for us, despite our mess and mistakes (Romans 5:8). What other love is like that?! ...