Struggle is the word that first comes to mind when I look back on how I worshipped during church services when I first started going to church. Just to give a quick backstory: I got saved short of my 18 th birthday and was still getting familiar with what “singing your worship and praise” was all about. I’ll admit, for a good while I would just read the lyrics in my head, listening to everyone else sing but wouldn’t participate. The reason why singing my worship was a struggle? I can’t pinpoint it to an exact reason other than fear. I was scared of how I would sound – as this was all so new to me. I was worried I wouldn’t sing good enough, that I would be noticed and looked at. Writing this out, and writing it where I am now in my life (where I worship throughout the day!) it’s weird looking back and seeing how fear had such a grip on my life in this area. The enemy would love to take our worship and praise. He would love us to not give God the glory, song and admira...