
Showing posts from April, 2020


Promotions, engagements, pregnancy announcements, sealing the deal on a new home, relocating to a dream city. All these things were happening to friends and family. Except me. Don't get me wrong, I would be happy and celebrate these amazing things that were happening to my loved ones. But when I got home from that wedding ceremony or baby shower, I would think to myself then ask God "what about me?" I began to read up on scripture regarding joy in the midst of the "waiting" season. I watched some videos from Heather Lindsey and read articles on her blog about being content and having faith no matter the season you're in. I soon realised my mind-set HAD to change, because I would constantly be hitting a brick wall and bitterness/resentment would soon creep in. It took me a while to realise what I am about to share. And if you get anything from this post I pray it would be this: The next "chapter",  my "dream season" whatever i...


Resting in Him and His word today, realizing that He knows ALL my needs before I even speak them. That He is a faithful Father who will take care of me. He will never leave, never disappoint, and never fail. He doesn't change His mind, nor does He take a day off. His love is bold, has no boundaries and is unending. He is working all things together for our good, no matter what the situation or circumstance looks like at the moment. Trust in Him, for He cares for you more than you could ever imagine. Stay encouraged, Chloe @ SheReformed x  


I remember being a new Christian, having my new study bible in front of me with an excited heart to learn all the attributes of God. I began to read up on how He is Lord, sovereign. All the characteristics of who He is to us. The Almighty One, who is all powerful and with supernatural strength and wisdom. Scripture then goes on to identify God as a Heavenly Father. I hesitated at this thought. Unfortunately like many other people, the term and meaning of father has not always projected something positive in my life. When we have a negative experience of a father in our lives, it is easy to think God would be similar. But He is in fact far from it, I just had to find this out for myself. It took prayer and study into the word to separate what I knew about fathers based on what I experienced,  to the Father that God is, and the Father that He wants to be in our lives. I thought to myself how can I connect to Him that way? I had to push past what I t...


Hey ladies, Ayanna here again, and I wanted to write what was on my heart as we approach this Easter weekend. I know many of us had plans and trips away for this time, and due to the lockdown we are having to deal with the changes and the fact that this Easter will look a little different than the others. How amazing though that the church is not limited to buildings. How amazing when two or more are gathered, the presence of our saviour is there also. How amazing that no matter what goes on in this world, heaven still rejoices over the risen King. Nothing can overtake that victory that we celebrate this Sunday. The words "It Is Finished" has to be some of my favourite words Jesus has ever spoken in His life, I find it ironic that Christ said this when He was in such pain and in a place where people around had no hope. But when He announces it is finished - He is talking about the greatest battle of all time. One that we do not have to experience or face for ourselv...


I am currently self isolating in my flat with some espresso in Jacksonville, Florida. As I am writing this listening to worship music, there is one thought going through my mind: What a time to be alive and share the Good News. What a time to encourage others and be encouraged by sisters and brothers in Christ, that we have a hope that will carry us forward to a bright future. I have been so encouraged lately despite the pandemic that has put all our lives on hold. Something that I have been meditating on after watching our pastor gave a message online this past Sunday was this: we will not have a time like this again. Events, offices and trips have been closed or postponed – giving us more time than what we are even used to. We have time like never before to be on our knees before the Father, uninterrupted and still, with no distractions or noise of the outside world as we are in lockdown. Yes we are in a crisis but the time we have right now is so VALAUB...