Hey ladies,

Ayanna here again, and I wanted to write what was on my heart as we approach this Easter weekend.
I know many of us had plans and trips away for this time, and due to the lockdown we are having to deal with the changes and the fact that this Easter will look a little different than the others.

How amazing though that the church is not limited to buildings. How amazing when two or more are gathered, the presence of our saviour is there also.
How amazing that no matter what goes on in this world, heaven still rejoices over the risen King.
Nothing can overtake that victory that we celebrate this Sunday.

The words "It Is Finished" has to be some of my favourite words Jesus has ever spoken in His life, I find it ironic that Christ said this when He was in such pain and in a place where people around had no hope.
But when He announces it is finished - He is talking about the greatest battle of all time. One that we do not have to experience or face for ourselves.

I can only imagine the enemy thinking the present circumstances we are facing are enough to shake our faith and devotion to spending time with God and each other this weekend. But is he sure wrong! God is still sovereign and gets all glory!
It might "feel" different, but our faith can still be on fire and the Holy Spirit can still move. Have a zoom Easter service with your church family. Play worship music on YouTube, create your own church choir in your living room.

So many things are cancelled at the moment, but Easter sure isn't.

Stay encouraged, and happy Easter.

With love,

Ayanna @ She Reformed xoxo


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