Happy Monday sis!

Hope you're having a great start to a new month!

This year I have decided to join A21 for their 6th annual Walk For Freedom on October 19th. #WalkForFreedom is a global event that raises awareness and funds for the fight against human trafficking. I am fundraising because I know that my efforts can be the difference between slavery and freedom for many. And even though each of us can’t do everything we can all do something.

When we come together to advance the fight against slavery we can be the reason that a child is prevented from being forced to beg on the streets of Thailand—the reason that there is someone to pick up a hotline call from a victim at 3am in South Africa— the reason a survivor finds healing and restoration through our Freedom Center in America.


This is an organisation that is very near and dear to my heart - the work they do truly is incredible and life transforming for so many people. I'm so excited to be a part of a walk this year hosted in Edinburgh.

Why don't you join a walk in your area? If there are none (which you can check online) in your area why not sign up to host a walk?

For more info on A21 and the phenomenal work they do: https://www.a21.org/content/about/gptuog

To join a walk: https://www.a21.org/content/join/gptt4w

Also, check out their IG for more updates and info on what is happening: @A21

Why not join me and save the date! October 19th 2019

"We are the new abolitionists"

Until the next post,

Chloe @ She Reformed


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