"Life is available only in the present moment. If you abandon the present moment you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply" - Unknown

I am currently in a season where I am reallyyyy looking forward to the future on the next step, on the things that I was waiting for to happen.
But as I was spending time with God recently I got some revelation, I haven't been enjoying the "now". As a result, I was overlooking everything He was doing in the present.

My focus was on the future but not the present. I was living for the things that haven't happened yet instead of what was in front of me.

Have you ever been there?
Sad to say, but it can be easy to oversee the blessing and miracles that God performs in the everyday. And as for me personally, impatience was blocking my vision. (What could possibly be blocking yours?)

A point of reflection I have for you today sis is where is your head at?
Its great to have an idea for the future and excitement but what about for the "now"?

God is in and working in all seasons - including the one we currently find ourselves in.
Stay encouraged and let's look to the future while also being focused on what God is doing in the present.

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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