Hey sis, My name is Drea, a girl born and raised in Houston Texas, a lover of Jesus and girl and I am super excited to write here on She Reformed for y'all. I have had this message stirring in my heart for a while and with everything that is going on in the world at the moment I thought there would be no better time to share it: What has been stirring in your heart? What has been tugging on your spirit to do but fear or anxiety got you held you back? So many of us are waiting for that "sign" in order to make a move. Well here you go! Don't wait any longer. Don't let your thoughts and "what ifs" hold you back from you giving your all! God can do amazing, phenomenal things through us but the question is are we going to let Him? He is waiting for our yes today. Remove the distractions, overlook the obstacles and make that step of faith. So go on and start up that blog. Research what you gotta do to start that e-book. ...