First Trimester: Symptoms + Experience

Hey ladies, hope you had a good week!

If you follow us over on IG then you will have seen the post announcing my pregnancy!
Just wanted to say thank you for the messages and love - it means a lot!

So I am very happy to be done with my first trimester and I’ll start off by saying it was an experience! I have been enjoying the 2nd trimester much more: so far so good!

Let me be honest in saying the morning sickness (aka all day sickness who am I kidding!) was a nightmare in those first few months though! Waking up throughout the night, hot flushes, loss of appetite hit me like a brick wall and I had to keep reminding myself this is only for a season! Nausea was my first symptom that I was pregnant, apart from that I didn't have any other tell-tale symptoms.

I thankfully got some medicine from my Dr to suppress the sickness and kept drinking a LOT of water throughout the trimester which really helped for me. That and sleeping a lot!

I took some time to watch YouTube videos about women sharing their experience with the 1st trimester, as well as sharing tips and advice which helped suppress their symptoms.
I have also got the app What To Expect and Ovia Pregnancy which gives you daily updates and where you can also keep track of appointments/symptoms. I was actually bamboozled with just how many pregnancy apps there are! As well as the apps, some of them have communities and forums which I find to be very helpful and also a bit of a relief hearing that I was not alone in going through the ‘blah’ symptoms.
The first scan back in February was so exciting! It felt surreal to see baby for the first time and get told by the Dr all that was happening. He/she was kicking and moving a lot the midwife was laughing and there is me panicking asking "is this baby ok?!"
It’s pretty amazing all the change and development that happens in the first few months! I often heard that it all feels more ‘real’ when you see your child on the screen for the first time. To be honest it became very real for me as soon as that test showed the + back in January but it was certainly a special moment for me and my husband, as well as an amazing birthday surprise!

I am currently on the search for some books on pregnancy and parenthood: in particular hypnobirthing. If any of you mummas have recommendations please let me know!

Overall the first trimester was indeed difficult, and there are still a lot of things happening as the body adjusts to make space for her/him to grow… but knowing it will all be worth it for the end result helped to pass the time!

For those that are also expecting – congratulations! What was your first trimester like?

I’d love to hear!

Chloe @ She Reformed x


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