Something I am currently learning in this season of crisis and uncertainty: in every tough circumstance, there is the option to see more than the bad. And for me that is the options of what I can spend my time on (besides from working my 9 - 5).

For so long I had the habit of saying the following to myself:

"If only I had more time, I would write and blog more"
"If only I had more time, I would read God's word and pray"
"If only I had more time, I could actually relax and have a spa night"
"If only I had more time, I could work on that project that has been on the back of my mind for months"

Anyone else relate??

Now with the extra time I have found myself having this week - I found out something.


my problem wasn't the lack of time,

the real problem was my priorities.


I have found even with the extra time - some stuff wasn't getting done.
If I can be really real: I had to do a self check and priority check!

Truth is we will never get something done if it is not important to us.
We now have the time - we just need to make that "it" a priority.

What am I now making a priority with the time I have?

To grow as a woman and a wife
To read and study more
To pray more and pray together with my husband
To get deeper in the word.

I choose to go through this season using time and intentionality. I am thankful even during this time God can give me clarity and instruction, especially as I am going into a new season of becoming a mum.


I no longer have that excuse of "if I have more time".


My question for you today is this: what opportunities are available to you behind the obstacle?
How are you going to spend this time? What can be invested in that will help grow and strengthen you?

We are facing some challenging times right now, but I am confident and standing in faith that "this too shall pass" for the moment however I am going to use this "extra time" to my full advantage.


Stay encouraged,

Chloe @SheReformed x


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