International Womens Day 2020

Hey ladies,

I just wanted to write a bit for International Women’s Day 2020. March 8th is a day where we remember the struggles that women around the world have undergone to gain equality and rights that we can enjoy today. It is also a day where we acknowledge the challenges and obstacles that millions of girls and women are facing today.

What can we do on this day?

Watch some documentaries. Girl Rising is a fantastic documentary that came out a few years ago that tells the stories of nine girls from different parts of the world who face heartbreaking injustices such as arranged marriages and child slavery.

You can find out more about the work behind the movie by visiting https://girlrising.org

Read up on the lives of women today who are changing the world with their voice and their actions.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading Malala Yousafzai’s inspirational biography “I am Malala”. Years later this is still one of the most inspirational books I have ever read and Malala continues to fight for women's right to have education and using her voice as a catalyst for change.

There are also some amazing charities and organizations that are all about helping women who are in need. There is an amazing charity in my city called Ubuntu, which is a women shelter that offer a variety of services  which include hosting, referrals and advocacy are designed to meet the unique emotional and psychological needs of women excluded from homelessness and welfare services and housing.


For more info check out their site / blog

Happy International Womens Day! Here's to strong women!

Chloe @SheReformed  x


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