The title of this post might catch your eye, but is your plans and vision for the future acting up?
2020 not being "your year"?

Are things not going according to your plan?

The revelation I received when I was going through this scenario was my timeline wasn't acting up but was in fact aligning with God's. I just had to get comfortable with not knowing what exactly that involves or looks like. 

The truth is this: God has a plan and purpose for your life.
We might not fully understand it or see it in full context, but we can be assured that if we walk in His will and follow Him then our paths will be made straight.

Trusting God and His plans with our timeline however involves letting go and releasing our own ideas and vision boards over to Him to get involved in.
The truth is He can make a better vision board for us than we ever could for ourselves. 

Letting go of our timeline is submitting to God our schedule, our "5 year plan", our hopes and desires for our lives.

Yes it can be difficult, yet it can even be frustrating. But as we believers we have to trust and stand in faith that God sees the bigger picture.

Before I was saved and before we had the year that is 2020 I could give you a  clear cut timeframe of what I was wanting to achieve/work towards and when.
The plan I had for my life was to travel, maybe live abroad then get married and have kids by my 30's. I would think to myself when I became a Christian: surely I know what is best for my life? The plans I had seemed smart and responsible and realistic. Why would I want anything else from someone else?

God's timeline is different, but oh so much better than anything I could have ever planned for myself.

Emma @SheReformed x


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