
Showing posts from May, 2020


Rejection. No matter the context or situation: whether it's from a job application or a college acceptance it's never fun to go through. As people, we don't go out looking for rejection. But when we do face it, it can affect us in so many ways if we don't know how to handle it in a healthy way. I often thought if there was a right way to face rejection. Turns out there is a way I can use rejection to my advantage, and if this is something you dear reader are finding difficult to handle at the moment please keep reading. Rejection can hit deep. We could be left by a family member/loved one -  it can take so much out of us emotionally and mentally. It can shake us and traumatise us. I know loved ones who are still hurting and bleeding from a rejection that happened to them decades ago. I used to be someone that took rejection very badly. Rejection used to shake me to my core. The reason for this is that I had no stable foundation to stand on, as a result rejection...


Spiritual warfare. Something we often hear in scripture, books, titles and sermons. However, one thing I realised later that I wish I knew sooner was that every day was a battle ground that I had to step on. Not just on a Sunday. Every day we have a choice, to go into the day with the word and worship OR with worry. We can go into a new day with fear OR faith, but we cant walk into it with both. The question is: What are we stepping into the day with? What are we taking to battle? To many people (myself included) the word and praise might seem like the straightforward answer..... but what thoughts go through our mind and reside when we wake up?  Do we wake up with a negative attitude, dreading of what the day will bring before we even step out of bed? What are the first things we say when we wake up? When I reflected on these questions, it turns out I wasn't stepping onto the battlefield with the best armour. In fact, I was equipping myse...


Hey ladies and happy Friday! Anndddddd happy anniversary to SheReformed! It's surreal to think that we are 1 year old already! But what a cosy community we have built here! We have collaborated and interviewed with some amazing women for SR Meets, wrote what was on our hearts and shared the word of God to encourage women of all ages and backgrounds around the globe. There is so much content coming up this year and that I excited to share with you, not only from myself but from our lovely co writers. There will be more interviews, collabs, giveaways and so much more. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out as there will be a lot happening! Thank you for reading, interacting and being with us as we continue to provide a platform to encourage each other to grow and GO into all that God has for us. Here's to the year ahead! Chloe @ SheReformed x Also, Do you have prayer requests? Fill in the contact us form on our page, we would love to...


Hey sis, Wanted to share some scripture with y'all today as this revelation blessed me and hope it can be of a blessing to you. Let's go into John chapter 15: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5). I have read this scripture so many times, and it wasn't long ago I had to ask myself what does it really mean to abide in Christ? This verse says that Christ is the vine, and we are the branches in union with Him who are told to “abide.” A mistake that I made when reading this (and I don't think I'm alone), is I tried to figure out what do I need to do in order to abide, but that we are to receive. What are we to receive? The fruit, the nourishment that is needed for our lives which comes from the vin...