
No matter the context or situation: whether it's from a job application or a college acceptance it's never fun to go through.
As people, we don't go out looking for rejection. But when we do face it, it can affect us in so many ways if we don't know how to handle it in a healthy way.

I often thought if there was a right way to face rejection. Turns out there is a way I can use rejection to my advantage, and if this is something you dear reader are finding difficult to handle at the moment please keep reading.

Rejection can hit deep. We could be left by a family member/loved one -  it can take so much out of us emotionally and mentally. It can shake us and traumatise us. I know loved ones who are still hurting and bleeding from a rejection that happened to them decades ago.

I used to be someone that took rejection very badly. Rejection used to shake me to my core. The reason for this is that I had no stable foundation to stand on, as a result rejection became my identity. I carried rejection around with me, it was a burden but it was my burden. I didn't know that with Jesus, I can let this heaviness that rejection has weighed on me GO and have a freedom unlike anything else I can imagine.

The same way people would define themselves as their failures, I defined myself by rejection.

I would beat myself up, start creating scenarios in my head of what I could have and should have done.
Looking back if you told me what I know now: that we can use wisdom to see rejection differently, to use it as a detour instead of a downfall, I wouldn't think it was possible.

One thing I have learned from being a Christian and reading the word on how we can face certain situations, is that I have the ability to see things from a different lens.
That there is so much power in perspective. I soon found this to be the key in handling different situations that did not go as expected.

I could allow those critical, negative thoughts and comments flood my mind but what would that do except tear me down?
Unless it is constructive do not drag yourself down with that small voice which is only good for beating yourself up.

We are more than our failures, mistakes and rejections. We can refuse to let rejection redefine who we are.

I took my rejection, changed the lens to see it as redirection. I would then combine that with another R - Reflection.

What can be done now moving forward?
What can I learn from this?
What options are available?
These are questions that really helped me get into a constructive, healthy  headspace.
It has not been an easy process as this involves changing your mind-set which you could have had for a long time, however I have become someone who likes to uses their success and failures to move forward and grow and become better.
So today take heart. Rejection wont feel good, it's not something we would want to happen.
But how amazing that God works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28) and can use these moments when we're feeling down as a detour onto His path for us, which is greater and more than we could have ever planned for ourselves.
Until the next post,

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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