Hey SR ladies,

It is my prayer this post finds you well in Jesus name.

Hearing from God (because He speaks to us every day) is a topic that for many can bring confusion and even frustration. The common question pops up among many:

How do I know if I have heard God's voice?

There are different ways God can speak to us: through His word, through people or through the Holy Spirit.

Even though there is no clear cut answer to this, and there is no formula which we can follow. But there are some points we can be aware of, and questions we can ask ourselves to help us discern if we are hearing from God.

When God speaks, it ALWAYS aligns with His word, it will never deter from it.

Sometimes when God speaks it makes us uncomfortable, because He could be pushing us to another level and step outside our realm of comfort!

A question to ask yourself:

Is what I am hearing aligning with scripture?

The more time we spend with God and His word, the more we are able to discern what His voice would and would not say.
Another key point is knowing God's character, this is so important as a believer. The word tells us who God is as well as what He says.
Here is another question for you:

Is what I am hearing complimentary to God's character?

I pray that the points I have shared and questions for self reflection help you.

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me" (John 10:27 NIV)

Stay blessed,

Gianna @ SheReformed


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