Hypnobirthing: My Experience (SO FAR!)

Hey ladies,

Thought I would do a pregnancy related post since I have been lagging behind with them. It is surreal how quickly the third trimester is going for me, getting closer and closer to D Day (anyone else having an Autumn baby?!)

I have been busy working from home still and getting the house ready, but I wanted to jump on the blog to share my experience of hypnobirthing so far.
Hypnobirthing has been recommended me to by my midwives as well as the mum groups I am part of, and seeing how it has helped so many women I thought it would be a great idea to give it a go!

A quick definition of hypnobirthing:

Hypnobirthing teaches relaxation and visualisation skills

Best explained by NCT, this preparation tries to give pregnant women a positive view of birth. The aim is a shorter, more comfortable, easier labour, with less need for intervention or pain relief.

I should say off the bat, that I personally am open to pain relief, medical intervention etc if necessary and if the medical professionals/midwives see fit. I am choosing to give birth in the hospital, but am wanting as natural a labour as possible. In the next few doctor appts my midwife is wanting to go through my birth plan with me and let me know different options available.

Hypnobirthing is not for everyone, and hypnobirthing teachers/research does state that from the get go. However, I'm thinking it is definitely worth a shot!

I am currently reading the hypnobirthing book by Katharine Graves (who is an EXCELLENT hypnobirthing teacher by the way, search her on YouTube) and I have been applying some hypnobirthing techniques to my everyday routine already just to get familiar, these things include:

Breathing exercises


Pregnancy and birth affirmations (you can get someone to read them aloud to you or listen to them on YouTube)

I have been finding these techniques super helpful already and it helps me to wind down and let go of the day.

Even though there are a lot of hypnobirthing books available, I was surprised to see also the amount of resources that are available for women (and their birthing partner) which is free and accessible online. Super beneficial especially during these times.

Overall, I have found hypnobirthing to be great during my third trimester of pregnancy and as I prepare for bubba's arrival.

If you have done hypnobirthing I would love to hear about your experience!


Chloe @ SheReformed x


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