I just love reading about the different people in the bible that God delivered from all sorts of complex, difficult situations.

For example, there was Paul and Silas who God delivered from prison (see Acts 16:23-26).
There was also Daniel in the lion's den, whom God delivered from certain death by keeping the mouths of the lions shut!
God also delivered David from afflictions; to be precise the mouth of the lion and the paw of a bear! (see 1 Samuel 17:37).

These are just some of many stories that you can read about where God came through and brought them out the other side. 

God is indeed a deliverer.

Just like so many people in the bible, we will all face affliction at some point or another. Where we are hit with a brick wall and we think "now what?".

There have been many times in my life where I was stuck in the lions den, the enemy would have loved so much for me to just bow and give up then and there.

There is something we can do however: we can withstand the enemy's attempts to try and knock us down. We can resist the enemy (see 1 Peter 5:8-9) by standing firm on God's word and promises and trusting that He will bring us through.

I have found that trusting God means leaning on Him and being steadfast despite where I am, knowing that God is good and He is faithful.
The enemy would like us to think that we are alone, he would love us to forget there are sooo many other people that have come through trials and have amazing testimonies that we can hear for encouragement.

Another story I love to hear in the bible is about the men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were faced with a death sentence after refusing the wicked king's commands of worshipping a golden image he set up.
However the people were astounded to see there were the 3 men plus another in the fiery furnace. Not only did they come out of the furnace unharmed, but the didn't even smell of the smoke! (See Daniel 3:10-30).

Stay encouraged, we might feel like we are in a fiery furnace with no way out. We might feel like we are stuck in the lions den.
However if we keep our trust and focus on God, if we remain firm in faith and steadfast through prayer and petition we will see God making ways that we never thought would be possible.

Even when we don't "see" or "feel" it, God is delivering: working and moving on our behalf.

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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