Speak and publish fearlessly the word of God (Philippians 1:14)

I have personally seen the difference speaking the word of God does to my day.

Not only speaking the word out loud, but declaring it over my life. Speaking the word over the life of my family and loved ones, over situations that I cannot control.

There are different ways I have learned to speak fearlessly. I would make a list of affirmations and verses and declare them on a frequent basis.

Something that I found happening when I would do this is my "feelings" would get in the way. I didn't feel like what I was saying was true.
This might be the case for others. For example we can be so consumed in guilt that if we were to say out loud "we are the righteousness of God made holy and blameless through Christ" we wouldn't believe it.
That was a struggle for me, but I had to make a choice to uphold the word over what I feel or went through.

I came to a point where I wanted to speak in line with God's word, because if not what were my words lining up with?

If I continue to talk about myself/situation in a negative way, then I will continue to see myself/situation in a negative way. I can continue to speak toxic words to the point where I am condemning myself, and nothing good can come from that.

If we are not careful, our tongue can be a murderous arrow (Jeremiah 9:8) or it can bring life and hope to our lives.

"A soothing tongue [speaking words that build up and encourage] is a tree of life, But a perverse tongue [speaking words that overwhelm and depress] crushes the spirit" (Proverbs 15:4 AMP)

What a thought; that our tongue can hold enough power to crush our spirit.

My question for you today is are you speaking fearlessly?
Are you speaking words that weaken and pull you down?

Stay encouraged and refuse to crush your spirit with what you say. Lets choose to speak the word of God into our day.

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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