Dear reader,

I don't know what your biggest lesson has been so far in the year that has been 2020, I don't know what God has shown or taught you but for me He has been teaching me the importance of peace. He has been showing me how often peace must be protected and at times pursued while we live in such a unpredictable world. 

Truth is peace is something I thought I had throughout my life, when really I was just familiar with the idea of it.

Peace is knowing that despite the unknown, God is already there. That He is always one step ahead and we can trust and lean on Him.

When I talk of peace, I am not talking of the kind of peace that the world offers, which is temporary. The world sells us the idea or conception of peace through ideas and things. But this is not a peace that endures hardships. This is not a peace that will see you through after hearing bad news or when tragedy strikes. This earthly peace will not accompany you in the wilderness. 

There is a peace available to us that runs so much deeper. And it comes from knowing Jesus. It comes from having the Holy Spirit residing in us. 

I am so thankful for Jesus who has left us His peace (see John 14:27) that with this gift from the Prince of peace we do not have to be troubled or afraid. 

I know it can be easier said that done, to "have peace" when there is so much going on around us. This is why in Psalm 34:14 we are advised not only to seek peace but to pursue it - go after it with everything we got. There have been days this year where i have had to fight for my peace, to look at things not in the physical but to maintain perspective in the spiritual. There are some days where we WILL be tested, but peace is always available to us, some days we just have to see and pursue more than others. 

Like Peter, we can step out the boat knowing Jesus is there in front of us with his hand stretched out to us.

Jesus was asleep on the boat during a STORM, can you imagine having that level of peace where what "should" make you unsettled and weary doesn't? 

I have been pregnant throughout this pandemic, yet I feel calm and still. 

My demeanour and how I see situations has changed. I have found rest and contentment even in the storms I'm facing, being able to go into each day despite the uncertainties and unknowns.  

This post, more than anything is to let you know friend that this unfathomable, indescribable peace; which surpasses all understanding does exist and it can only be found in Him. There is no peace that this world can wrap up and offer to you that comes even close.  

I pray the peace of God has been holding you up in this season and like it says in Colossians 3:15 that the peace of God rules in your heart. 

Stay encouraged,

Chloe @ SheReformed x 


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