Approval Addiction: Overcoming Your Need to Please Everyone by Joyce Meyer #SheReformedReads

“There are two types of approval: one is from people, and the other is from God. We want people to approve of us, but if we become addicted to their approval, if we have to have it and are ready to do whatever they demand to get it, we lose our freedom. If we trust God for approval, we are freed from the addiction of approval.”  

“We suffer much agony because we try to get from people what only God can give us, which is a sense of worth and value. Look to God for what you need, not to people. Look”   

Hey fellow booklovers,

If like me you have had a hard time dealing with insecurity and being people pleaser then this book is for you.

This is a read that is straightforward and direct, and to be honest it might make some people uncomfortable.

In this book, Meyer is encouraging the reader to overcome an addiction of people pleasing. The thing is that the intention to please others might be good, but the danger is that it can soon become a habit that controls our lives and that turns out to be more important than pleasing God.
She also explores the causes and outcomes of this addiction. With this, she goes into some of her experiences and stories.

The main cause of having a people pleasing mentality can stem from the root of insecurity and low self-esteem.

She goes into scripture highlighting that we have to know who we are in Christ. That we don't have to go searching for validation because we are accepted and loved by God through faith in Jesus and that is really all we need.

This is not a light read nor should it be read in a hurry.

Check this out if you haven't already, it is definitely a good read for those of us that put too much weight and give to much power on what others think. It is a reminder that our standing with God is much more important.

Happy reading!

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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