Dear Girls - A letter from Steven Mcleish

Dear girls,
I have something to say to you: the stuff you're listening to just isn't true 
and I hope this gets through to you.

You are not ugly, dumb or unattractive

you need to take every thought captive because you captivate. 

You are not just another stereotype

and as you type your status know that you are more than your status and likes.

You say you're fat and ugly but that is not what you post to be,

a princess and daughter of the KING is what you're supposed to be.

You are beautiful, unique, one in a billion, one of a kind, awesome, brilliant, creative,powerful,stunning, smart and a woman after God's own heart.

And whether you think you're fat or thin just be comfortable in your own skin.

And next time you think of the word beautiful don't forget to count yourself in.

You are precious, a trusted diamond, boys who don't wait for you are not wise men

because you are one of the most valued commodities there is. 

And know you will never look like the girl in the magazine, even the girl in the magazine doesn't look like the girl in the magazine

but you are Queen, no low-self esteem because the creator of the universe esteems you highly. 

You are loved by God so don't live your life "photoshopped" and take the filter off

The bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made 

when God made you He did not make a mistake.

He can't stand when you compare yourself to others because you are beautiful just the way you are.

So don't let the world conceal you

Be the real you

And don't cut the skin

There is too much beauty within 

I see you, you can change a nation but I see you live under the shadow of extensions of lies.

Come out from under there with a fire and a hunger in your eyes.

You are more than the beauty products
and you are not a sex object.

By all means, wear makeup but not to make up someone that's made up. 

Don't believe the nasty things people said or the lies in your head 

because they all come from the father of lies Satan

and when he's making you cry inside just know you will be a beautiful bride.

That groom will love you for who you are, and think you are the most gorgeous by far. 

I know for some of you, your heart breaks but you are STRONG and have what it takes.

Silhouette of woman's head with waving hair, back light.

The timing may or may not be right for you 

but Mr Right is out there for you

waiting for you with a ring that says "I promise" 

Promise to be all you hoped he'd be

Promise to cherish and hold you forever 

and with everything I give her all my heart.

He will die for you, nothing will separate you apart.

But as you wait for "Mr Right" and when nothing feels right:
know there is always one Mr Right: Jesus Christ, who has already died for you.
And as He gets off the cross, He will bend down on one knee and say

"Will you live for me?"

Steven Mcleish is a visionary gifted in spoken word and also pastor of Renew Church Scotland alongside his wife Charis. 

Follow him on Instagram @stevenmcleish_mjf @renewchurchsc


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