Hey ladies and happy Sunday!

Today I wanted to write on the subject of wisdom. I want to write on what the word says about this, in particular from the book of proverbs alongside some revelation I received during my quiet time over this past week.

The book of Proverbs is an amazing book dripping with wisdom that we can use for our daily lives. It tells us in the first chapter where wisdom starts.

Knowledge begins with fear (reverence) and respect for God – unless we first understand this, we won’t know what it truly means to live wisely (Proverbs 1:7) therefore it is important that we know God for ourselves and develop a relationship with Him.

Knowing God is knowing wisdom, as He is the source of knowledge and understanding comes from Him. The truth is we can go onto a path to self-destruction if we refuse to follow and apply wisdom for our lives. We can try and do things our own way and strength, but we will not be sure of the consequences. God longs to keep us guarded and keep us footed on the right path of life.

“Wisdom will lead you to a life of joy and peace. Wisdom is like a life giving tree to those who hold on to her; she is a blessing to those who keep her close.” (Proverbs 3:17-18)

I had to bring myself to a place of transparency when asking myself the following questions:

Am I listening and open to correction?

Do I listen and read up on biblical advice and teaching?

What am I putting above wisdom?

Wisdom is priceless. More so than jewels and treasures that we store here on earth.

"Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and all your desires cannot equal it. 16 Long life is in wisdom’s right hand. In wisdom’s left hand are riches and honor. Wisdom’s ways are pleasant ways, and all its paths lead to peace" (Proverbs 3:15-17)

With the world we live in and the messages and corruption that is around, we cannot afford to let wisdom out of our sight. We must stay guarded spiritually and mentally and Godly, biblical wisdom will assist us with that.

I could say I was the rebellious child growing up. I was lit for the world, clubs, men and drugs. I never received instruction well. It was only when I found myself flat on my face one night did I meet God, and begin to understand His love which is so great for me and He provided wisdom so I would never be in that dark place again. I read up on the word, I got connected to a church family when I moved to Chicago and I invested in resources that would grow me in my walk.

Without wisdom and understanding on what God says how will we know when to speak or listen? How else can we best learn from mistakes? How else can we know how to react or respond in a situation? I have done some foolish things as a result of being arrogant to wise counsel and advice. Trouble was knocking on my doorstep due to my own actions and lack of time spent in the word.

Building up on wisdom is one of the best investments we can ever make for our lives.
One way of doing this is staying plugged in to the ultimate source.
I for one can admit that I was very good at making excuses and saying that I did not have enough time to do so – but it is time to make that quiet time a priority sis. It will take discipline and turning off your phone to eliminate distraction, it might take people thinking you are weird for prioritising time in scripture over nights out. I can say from experience, from where wisdom has saved me from, that it will be oh so worth it.


Ayanna @ SheReformed


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