I am now into week 8 of motherhood and adjusting to life with a little one.
And it has certainly been a journey so far.
The first few weeks with our baby have been a blur. Days and nights were mixed together and me and my husband would often get confused as to what day it was. But we have been on cloud 9 and words can't begin to explain how blessed I feel.
There have been tears, sleepless nights, long days as well laughter and joy. But that is what I have learned about motherhood, it is beautiful but intense and overwhelming.
No day is the same and each day I am learning something new.
The transition of just being a wife to now wife and mum has NOT been the easiest adjustment. I suppose this is why this season is called the fourth trimester (yes that is really a thing that I believe doesn't get enough attention for new/expecting mums!). Some days I amaze myself with how well I'm doing, other days I am overwhelmed, exhausted and feeling frustrated.
Having said that, some things that have really been helpful to me in this new season:
- Having a support network and reaching out when I need an extra hand or have questions
- Keeping my time with God/prayer a priority in my routine
- Having some me time each day to refuel and recharge (I find if I dont have time for me, then my daughter won't get the best of me and I will eventually "burn out". So this really has been important for me to uphold)
New mums: just want to take a moment to say we are doing great and doing so much better than we think we are at times.
Comparison will make us think we are not doing great or failing as a mum.
Mum guilt is real, I have had to make the decision each day to not let my thoughts and inner critic take me down a path that is not healthy or beneficial for me and my baby.
Mums: it is OK to feel like we are struggling, that we don't have it altogether and not sure what we are doing!
There is help available and support and it is MORE than ok to reach out and access it when needed.
Here's to a season of growing, learning and taking each day a step at a time.
Until next time,
Chloe @ SheReformed x
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