“The same sun which melts the ice hardens the clay”

This is a quote that makes you think, right?

Billy Graham once said it this way: “The sun that melts the butter hardens the clay”

As soon as I came across this saying I had to dig a little deeper. 

What does the sun, ice and clay represent here? 

The sun represents difficulties of life. It represents a challenge, devastation or hardship that we are facing. Some might get more, some might get less but everyone gets the sun. In one way or another, we ALL face different challenges of life.

The ice and clay in this analogy represents our hearts.

For some people, the difficulties of life harden the heart.

As a result of what someone goes through, they become bitter, resentful, pessimistic etc. Anger resides. They start hating people and God. 

For others, the difficulties of life make people better.

They become healthier, draw closer to God, learn something that they didn't understand before. 

No, we won’t ever “enjoy” going through a storm.

We won’t be happy when we face terrible things. But what if we look at these storms and see them as an opportunity to grow, to adapt and evolve?

One of my greatest fears is my heart being hardened towards God. I know with this, communication can be lost and intimacy with Him will be difficult if I don’t let Him see and have all of me. I have been there before, for me it was a very dark place to be in. I knew if I didn't change and did a heart check I would be stuck in a pit of despair and fear, as I was not in His presence and far from His voice.

As believers, we must be cautious of how the events and circumstances in this world shape us. Especially when we live in a society where they'd love to tell you how to think and feel.

When the sun hits you, focus on Him. When you’re in the shade, focus on Him. He will be there and keep you close. This is the safest place we can reside.

Looking at this season we are in, I can only imagine some of the hardships we have experienced over the last year - but God is still good.

His promises and word are still strong to keep our eyes above the waves. 

The team at SR are praying for you and over you, He is not finished with your story yet. No matter what you are going through, your story and trials can become a testimony to develop and shape you more into WHO God has called you to be.

Until the next post,

Chloe @ SheReformed 


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