Hey ladies,

I just wanted to share with you my study bible that has been really helpful in me getting deeper into the word and scripture.

Commentary and notes in this bible are by Joyce Meyer, who has been a great teacher to me for many years.

It is a fantastic study bible, using the amplified version which I find helpful to get a more rounded understanding.

You can get this bible both as a paperback and hardback, however I would recommend investing in a hardback version for longevity and durability. The paperback wears and tears more easily. The pages in these bibles are also quite thin so be careful if you are also someone who likes to highlights/underlines scripture.

I was curious about picking up this bible as I realised the warfare that we face does go on in the mind. Scripture is serious when it says the battle we face isn't in the physical but spiritual (see Ephesians 6:10-18), and that starts with what resides in our mind.
What are we thinking?
What is our thought process and where does it come from?

Alongside scripture, there is insights from Joyce's book Battlefield of the mind. There are 350 power points to meditate on, 125 prayers for victory and to help you renew your thoughts.

I hope you found this to be helpful if you are currently looking for one.

Happy reading!

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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