If there is one thing I can take from the year 2020, is that nothing on this earth is really secure, but temporary.
Before I was saved, I used to look to the things of the world to be my foundation, whether it be things or people....which only ever resulted in disappointment.
I was putting my hope, anchor and security in all the wrong things.

And maybe you are at this point in your life; wondering what could possibly be secure in a world that is in such a disarray. 

I love this scripture from Psalm 91:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the almighty (whose power no enemy can withstand).
I will say of The Lord "He is my refuge and my fortress, My God in whom I trust (with great confidence, and on whom I rely)"
Psalm 91:1-2

Key things I had to take from this scripture in order to be truly secure in all seasons of my life:
I can dwell in His presence, I can find rest and sanctuary with Him
We can find ultimate security in Him as NO ENEMY/OPPOSITION/ATTACK can overtake Him
We can trust Him with  the upmost confidence (full trust, don't need to doubt or waiver)

Reader, I don't know what things you might have been placing your security in, but if you are feeling discouraged or if your foundation is shaking it is NEVER too late to turn to God.
It is never too late to lay everything you thought you knew you needed at His feet.

He will meet you where you are with open arms inviting you to the sanctuary.
2020 has been some year, we have all been going through some challenging seasons but there is always that place of refuge.

Stay encouraged friend,

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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