Enjoying Life: WHAT IS THE KEY?

"Enjoying life begins with the thoughts you choose to think"

I remember reading this is my daily devotional one evening and thinking "wow. Is it really that simple?"
Is the key to enjoying our lives dependant simply on how we look at things?

It took me a long time to grasp that no matter what is going on my life I can CHOOSE to be happy. Not just pretending to be happy or simply saying aloud "I am happy today", but genuinely being happy no matter what I am facing.
Truth is, this is a lot easier said than done. I knew to some extent there was power in perspective, but still I was not cautious of what thoughts I was allowing to reside in my mind.

Before I got saved I was a very pessimistic individual. I would see the worst case scenario in a situation before the positive (if I could see the positive at all).
It's fair to say I did not "choose" what I thought, allowing anything and everything to go through my train of thinking.

As believers we are taught to hold every thought captive (see 2 Corinthians 10:5). We are to be wary of what we think because it can change the trajectory of our lives and can hold us back from living a FULL life.
We can choose to believe what the word tells us in Romans 15:13; to be full of joy and peace in believing God to work in our lives.

To be full of the joy of God and to be full of peace, we need to first renovate our minds and see what is residing that is NOT coming from God or what is NOT healthy.

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7 (AMP)

And there I was, not seeing the power of my thoughts: We become what we choose and allow ourselves to think. What a thought!

Choose today to renovate your thoughts and mind-set. Read up scripture which talks about the renewal of the mind and joy. Pray over it. Ask God to help you in this process.

So here is my question for you: what are you choosing to think? Is it thoughts that can bring life and hope into what you are facing or thoughts that will pull you down? Journal, pray about it whatever it takes to start this process.
I can honestly say it has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself and for myself to enjoy life the way God wants me to! 

Stay encouraged,

Chloe @ SheReformed x


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