New year, month and new list of books for me to go through!

I always love digging into a new book at the start of a new month, and I have a couple of good ones to share! 

The books I'm sharing with you today are both from Bishop TD Jakes

(If you do not know who he is please search his teachings on YouTube, he is a gifted speaker as well as writer who will leave you with gold pieces of wisdom and make you reflect on your life!)

Maximize the moment by TD Jakes 

If like me, you have a habit of getting stuck in the past not being able to focus on the present then you will be blessed with the contents of this book.

In every chapter there is something given for the reader to reflect on and gives wisdom of how to get unstuck from the past in order to make the most of the present.

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I finished reading this in two days as I could resonate with just about every page in this book. The enemy has came to kill and destroy and one thing he can do to achieve this is using our past against us (whether it be a traumatic experience or mistake). 

Jakes gets personal in talking about the death of his mother then goes on to apply biblical principles of why making the most of our time is so important. 

“Each day is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him.” 

Before You Do: Making Great Decisions That You Won't Regret by TD Jakes 

Another great read by Bishop Jakes that I had to add on the list. If you are in a season where you have some important decisions or choices to make, unsure what is best to do then you should read this book and really take time to read it.


Bishop is gifted at delivering sound doctrine and wisdom in his writing and in connecting the reader with what message he is wanting to convey, and this is a book that will make you reflect your decision making progress. 

Jakes touches on a lot of topics and scenarios that people one day may find themselves in. Practical pieces of wisdom and provides necessary steps to help avoid regret. I would also like to add that I believe this to be a great read for those who are planning to get married.

What are you currently reading or plan to read in the new year! I would love to know so go on and leave some suggestions!

Chloe @SheReformed x 


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