I found out about this
study technique from Instagram about two summers ago (oh the joys of what you can learn from IG!). Since then, I have used this
method as a basis for most of my independent scripture study. I found this
method at a time where I was reading the word, but wasn’t at times good at
learning how to really observe what was being said and how I could apply it to
my life. If that sounds like you right about now then keep reading as this technique could help!
Lets have a look at what S.O.A.P stands for and take it from there!
Scripture –Take whatever scripture it is you are reading from.
This can be a couple of verses or a chapter.
Observation –
There are a lot of questions you could ask for this part of the method, here are ones I like to ask:
What is going on in the verses? Who wrote it? What is the scripture about? What is the backstory? What is being
said? What is the purpose?
(As you can see there are a lot of questions that you could ask
when you’re reading. Take time to ask them, think about them and find out the answers. The more questions I believe the merrier! It will assist you in digging deeper into
Application –
This step is what you personally take out of this time in scripture. What can be learned from what was done/said/achieved? How could we take this
wisdom into our everyday lives?
Prayer –
This is a great way to finish a study and to close off this quality time.
Personally I start by giving thanks for the word and the wisdom and understanding
that I get from it. I then pray that I continue to grow in His instruction and
that I am able to apply what I did read and any new revelation to my life.
Recently I have really
loved using this method to study people: for example Esther. Using this method
to find out more about Esther has helped me get a better idea of who she was (understanding
her background and what happened to her
in scripture) and also what I can learn from her (through application and
And there you have it! A
simple, easy to follow four step method to assist you in going below surface level when it comes to
knowing what God is saying/revealing through His word.
What methods
if any do you have for studying the word?
Share with a sister who might be
blessed with learning new methods!
Until the next post,
@ She Reformed x
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