Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny #SheReformedReads

“God’s light is tender, not harsh. As you trust him with your pain, he will gently shine his healing light on all your wounds. He is for you, not against you—and will never shame you or humiliate you (Romans 8:31). That kind of treatment is not in his nature. He is good, merciful, and kind. He didn’t cause your pain, but he’s ready to help you through it.”  

Earlier this year I read Unashamed by Christine Caine and it has recently dawned on me that I haven't really talked about it here! I discovered Christine Caine through her work in A21, and when I realised she has wrote several books, this one being on the topic of shame I knew I had to pick it up. She is a powerful speaker, and I was expectant that in her writing there would be as much of an impact.

Shame: a powerful, all-encompassing feeling that can hold us captive and impact our lives so negatively. Many of us have experienced shame in some form or another. Christine Caine is very transparent in her writing, sharing her own story of how she felt shame from childhood sexual abuse and other life situations.

Caine explores what shame is, how it can shackle us without us even realising, and that God wants to free us from the chains of shame through Jesus.

Caine also writes in faith and with scripture, for the reader to realize that when your worth identity, and purpose is found in Christ, nothing in this world including experiences has the power to keep us down.

This was insightful, inspiring, vulnerable and an impactful read on a topic that I believe is still taboo in the society that we live in. If you haven't already, please pick it up next time you are looking for a new read.

What are you currently reading? I would love to know!

Chloe @ She Reformed x

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