Hey sisters,

Hope you're all enjoying the festivities that come with this time of year!

Ok ok I have to admit, I'm such a winter baby.
I'm all about the cooler weather, winter fashion, the aesthetic and of course CHRISTMAS.

One thing I also love about this time of the year is the transition of season from winter to spring; flowers blossoming and the change in weather. It has always been a reminder to me of seasons of life. Life consists of so many seasons, some good and some more difficult.

One thing we can be certain of however:

Seasons change, the world is changing everyday but God NEVER changes.

He is true to His word and His promises. He is the One that remains above all.

“I, the Lord, do not change” (Malachi 3:6)

He was mighty yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow. I wrote a post earlier in the year titled the best foundation - and it links with what was on my heart to write today. When we stand on the word and promises of God it becomes our rock in which we can stand firm.

How comforting is that? How amazing is it that no matter the season we are currently in we can remain steadfast and hold on to Him.


I want to encourage you today sis. God is not seasonal like the storm you are facing, He is eternal. He is there when the storm surpasses, He is there in the midst of it, and He asks us to keep our eyes on Him.

Until next time,


Chloe @ She Reformed


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